Using quality content to build brand awareness for Everlytic

Everlytic PR annual review

Everlytic is a digital messaging platform that helps businesses communicate personally, reliably, and automatically using bulk email, SMS, and voice broadcasting – at scale. Everlytic approached DUO to assist with building the brand in South Africa to marketing and advertising media, and raise the media profile of the MD and other key spokespeople.


Everlytic needed to increase media visibility in order to drive brand awareness. The company wanted to highlight that they are the number 1 brand chosen for digital communication, to create awareness around Everlytic and the benefits of partnering with them.


In order to reach these objectives, DUO proposed a public relations retainer, with quality thought leadership content being used to elevate the Everlytic brand, and to secure interviews for key spokespeople.

Everlytic PR annual review - building brand awareness


Over the 12-month period, 79 pieces of coverage were generated, with 7 published articles per month on average. The majority of coverage appeared in marketing media, followed by Business, Technology, General news, channel and Accounting media. Coverage potentially reached over 1.8 million people based on the daily, weekly or monthly circulation for print publications and listeners for podcasts.

Everlytic PR Review - coverage drivers


A total of 79 pieces of coverage was received over the 12 month period, with key coverage being secured with MarkLives, Intelligent CIO Africa, Media Update, Marketing Spread and Financial Mail. Media interviews were secured for Everlytic spokespeople with Sunday Times, Smile FM, Channel Africa, AdComm.

Everlytic PR Review - business coverage

Everlytic PR review Tech media coverage

Everlytic PR review marketing media coverage

You have a story to tell. Let’s make it engaging and persuasive as we bring it to life.

We have a deep understanding of the Tech and Telecoms landscape and offer a wide array of services to position our clients effectively in the media and across all relevant digital platforms.

So, partner with a specialist PR and Digital Agency that understands your business, industry and customers.

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