Using media interviews to achieve brand recognition

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INOVO offers contact centres a flexible way to service customers across any channel – all with a view to transforming CX, saving costs and driving efficiency and profitability. The company approached DUO to help drive brand awareness, build the profile of key spokespeople in the media, and to establish the business as a market leader in its field.


INOVO was looking to increase media visibility in order to drive brand awareness and lead generation. The company wanted to highlight their personalised approach, and position senior leaders as champions of solutions that deliver real business returns for clients.

INOVO case study infographic - brand building


In order to reach these objectives, DUO proposed a public relations retainer, with quality thought-leadership being used to elevate the INOVO brand, and to secure broadcast interviews for key spokespeople.


Over the 8-month period, 84 pieces of coverage were generated, with 7 published articles per month on average. The majority of coverage appeared in Technology media, followed by CX/Marketing, Business and General news. Coverage potentially reached over 1.3 million people based on the daily unique browsers for online articles; daily, weekly or monthly circulation for print publications and listeners for podcasts.


A total of 84 pieces of coverage were recorded over the review period, with key coverage for the brand being secured in media such as Bizcommunity, CIO, Die Burger, Independent Online (Business Report), ITWeb and Netwerk24. There were also media interviews secured with eBiz Radio, eNCA, ITWeb and Netwerk24. In all, this represented a 3.5x return of investment into PR.

INOVO bus coverage

INOVO tech coverage

You have a story to tell. Let’s make it engaging and persuasive as we bring it to life.

We have a deep understanding of the Tech and Telecoms landscape and offer a wide array of services to position our clients effectively in the media and across all relevant digital platforms.

So, partner with a specialist PR and Digital Agency that understands your business, industry and customers.

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